Links to SEO Therapy Friends & Clients

What is SEO without quality inbound links? We specialise in getting highest-ranking multiple Google-first-page entries for our clients, here’s just a few of them: The Health Arts College #1, #2, #3 and #4 out of 869,000 results for aromatherapy training sydney. #2, #3...

SEO Witchdoctor Rankings in Sydney Australia

In SEO, there are two things we aim for – either extremely high first-page rankings for searches which return 10 million or more results – or multiple super-high rankings for anything below 10 million results. When we explain this to the “low corporate IQ” people who...
Google+ & SEO: currently the best reason for using it?

Google+ & SEO: currently the best reason for using it?

Some info about Google+ from Graeme Callingwood that I decided to share … it’s unedited as I’m in a rush – hopefully for people’s benefit: “Lets consider what happens when someone presses your Google+ button on your site or on your AdWords ad:...